Saturday, January 29, 2011


Aries, Friday, January 28, 2011
People love to pass on information. They like to swap stories and share news. That's all harmless enough. Few of us would ever dream of deliberately embellishing a tale in order to make it more dramatic or interesting. Sadly, though, we all have a tendency to misinterpret what we hear or to read a moral into it. Nor do we all have an impeccable eye for detail. Be careful about what you say - and about how much you believe of what others say to you this weekend. Something that ought to be straight and simple is beginning to get twisted. 


Cainer, I'm changing your name to Cassandra. I don't believe you. Nobody is whispering anything in my ear. I don't feel like I've been privy to some amazing secret or piece of information juicy enough to warrant the kind of attention its receiving here in this horoscope. But then, maybe I'm on your plain, Cainer, maybe I've already written it off so fast, that I don't even remember it. Yeah, let's just go with that. 

Bruce dropped off the remainder of the one-time payout from the settlement (i.e. our savings). He hasn't gotten new checks yet, so the check still has my full married name in the address section. Except, he scratched it out. Yep. He drew a line through my name with blue marker. He also hid the check on the back of the mailbox, because he didn't put it in an envelope, so I initially couldn't find it. It felt like a cruel game, but I'm pretty sure it's just the result of his poor planning and lack of envelope. Whatever, it's here. 

It all feels so dirty- asking for money. It feels disgusting. When he emailed me to say he planned to drop it off, I cried. And then I thought of a few ways to destroy the check- which makes no sense other than I hate the dirty feeling this whole situation leaves behind. I wish I didn't have to ask for money. I wish I had the pocket change in-hand now, ready to go. Well, maybe not pocket change, dollars would be better. Or not, because then I would get to go to that change machine at Kroger for once. I'd take it in an enormous jug that I have to wheel in and need several baggers to help me hoist. And then I would get to listen to the counter for an hour. I love that sound- so satisfying. I might draw the wrong kind of attention, but it would be worth it to hear that sound.

Speaking of going- this weekend I have to plan the move because it's less than a month away. Thank you February for being shorter than other months. Actually- I have to plan move(s). Financially and otherwise.  I also have to do my resume. I cancelled brunch with Katherine and everything to work on this. I had to cancel because I can't spend money on brunch and travel right now, but I also prioritized my workload/ playload and that seemed the most flexible. Tonight, Em, Dan, Shannon, Danielya and I are going to a burlesque and variety show, for which we don't have tickets yet. Who stops ticket sales 3 days before the performance? So, we'll have to line up. And...Jason is supposed to meet up with us afterward. I hopeI hopeI hope we get in. It looks like fun, and I don't want another night of sitting in a bar staring at one anothers' faces, reviewing our lives. I'm drowning at the thought alone. I can't take it. Poor Em has been through so much, she deserves to laugh and cheer and see people dance and do wonderfully silly things.  And the rest of us need to laugh and cheer with her for our own reasons.  Adulthood is hard. Richmond- don't let me down here. Again. 

Tomorrow evening, I'm going to a fundraiser for a crew member from Syria, VA (the show, not the town) who needs a heart transplant. Let me just say that again- a heart transplant. He's 32,  a father of 2 and he needs a heart transplant. So, just in case I decide to put back on my blinders and descend into the depths of my despair and heartbreak, I hope I remember those who truly have a broken heart. 

Last night I auditioned for a student film that I actually like. It sets up a potentially interesting universe for a pilot for television, wherein the world is desolate and bleak and ravaged by disease, but there's one woman who sees a potential way out (my character- hurrah!!!). And guess what, readers? I got the part! I did! I have to take off 2 days of work, I don't get paid, I shoot an hour away, but- I get a copy and I think it will look good on my reel. And it's experience. Which I sorely need right now. I don't trust my acting ability because it sits on a shelf for weeks at a time gathering dust. When I do pull it down, I totally underestimate the time it requires for cleaning and prepping, and then I feel rushed and sloppy and hammy. 

Shit- I need to sent out my email/ letter for my reel. Shit. Add that to the moving list. 

Holy crap! Look at me wasting time! Ok- so here's the thing, me, readers, and anyone else looking over my shoulder. Whisperings, garblings, etc. will always enter the picture, but let's keep our eyes focused on the prize. Hear them, but don't lean into them. I have one goal and an amazing set of opportunities to get there. Onward and upward. 

And Cainer, thanks for the lesson in distraction. Now, can you get back to the real forecast?

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