Thursday, January 13, 2011


Aries, Thursday, 13 January 2011
Daily, YesterdayWeeklyMonthlyYear Ahead Video

The world is changing fast. Today's state-of-the-art device is tomorrow's car-boot-sale bargain. As with technology, so with fashion - and sadly, even with philosophy. What once was cutting edge is now blunt and dull. It seems, sometimes, that to survive on this fluid, fickle planet, we must be ready, at all times, to abandon every idea we once held dear. Yet some things don't change. You are seemingly under pressure now, to drop a deep belief. Don't. Not if your heart still sees the sense of it. That's one change too many! 


I'm not sure what belief this could refer to- I edit, revise, rewrite, and somehow end up back at the first draft daily. So, I'll move on.... perhaps I'll find the connection glaringly in front of me as I type or after I turn off the computer. That's usually how it happens.

Yesterday, was a good day. Not because something massively changed, other than the hormonal release I desperately needed (I got my period). I woke up. I typed. I got ready. I went to work. I ate lunch. I drank coffee. I avoided an audition that I was truly not suited for (actually, a good idea). I came home. I walked the dogs. I ran errands. I visited a friend.  I walked the dogs again. I got ready for bed. I slept. 

In between though, somewhere during the morning, this positive energy crept in. Midday, that positive energy was met with more in the form of an email from the Syria producers, and I answered it with more positive energy. I cracked jokes. I did my hair. I came alive. I announced to Corina that I'm coming to LA. I said it out loud- this is what I'm doing universe. Regardless of Bruce's cooperation. In other words, I felt like every fiber of my being said: GAME ON.

Now, the kickstart of a journey isn't the difficult for me, it's the mid-point, the 3/4 point, etc. I lose steam quickly. It's part of my charm. And I feel like a ballplayer- I'm not changing my socks, because I want to bring the trophy home. The hair will get done just in case that's what changed me. The exercise will happen, just in case that's the catalyst. The coffee has been chosen (Blanchard's Breakfast), etc. I can't change the routine, because it worked. Except for the work part. I can change the hell out of that, and replace it with something far more meaningful (to me). 

I watched a few clips of myself yesterday in the email, and I wasn't too terribly pleased. But I understand my face better on camera. I understand what Michael Caine means more now that I have some distance and my own funk is clearning. I picked up his book again, and the words leapt up and met my own mental images and others' in ways they haven't. I'm thrilled for the weekend so I can sink in, record myself, and work his ideas out. 

Did I say I'm thrilled for the weekend? Cuz I am. 

To finish this fine morning, I do want to introduce a little moment that I need to repeat daily for awhile: 

  I'd like the thank the universe for all that I've learned over the past year. I'm grateful for everyone I've encountered, and the support of family and friends. I'm grateful for the opportunities to create coming my way. 

  I'd like the universe to take extra special care of Emily and her family. They've been through a lot, and they need your love and support as they heal.

  I'd like the universe to encourage Bruce follow through, live the life he wants without doing damage to those who love him. 

  I'd like the universe to provide confidence to Dusty and Tasha to find work that provides better income to their household and better peace of mind to their future. 

   I'd like the universe to realize Nancy's talent in the form of a film or television role, and for Nancy to have the confidence and spirit  to embrace it. 

   I'd like the universe to help Corina find a loving partner, someone who treats her well and shares her love of travel and exploration. 

    I'd like the universe to bring my parents together, and relieve them of their need to control the other. 

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