Monday, January 17, 2011

Ease on down... ease on down.. the road....

I have to move soon, and I've been deliberately lazy about planning it.  But my procrastination has caught p with me, and it's forcing me to make this major decision in a major way... right now. My folks, my colleagues and my friends think I should stick around a wee bit longer  (another year) to sort out the details for this major move, but I suspect that they thought with a wee bit more planning I would see that I need even more planning and thus put it off for another year and then another and then be a life-long Richmonder.

Here's the thing: other than financial reasons, why wait? And why drag it out? Right? I crunched numbers and if I live with my parents for 3 months, I'll have enough to go. And I need to go. I need to. I hate walking into every store or restaurant worrying that I will see Bruce or Lisa or one of their respective family members. I hate constantly thinking about starting over and getting up each day in the place I was the day before. I hate reporting into friends and saying yep- still here. Still in the place I don't want to be.

I know change actually comes about slowly, but if these planners could really see my last year, they would see it's been coming about pretty slowly.  I know it will be slow going once I get there, too, that's the thing. So, if I take a year to plan from this end, and then it takes a year to settle in, where will I truly be at the end of it, but just another year older? If I go now, I get the year there started earlier. I get to take classes and get my headshots and network and do all the things I need to do there... just sooner rather than later. And by 36, I would have truly started this new chapter.

I have an audition today. I have to drive 2.5 hours to get there. In VA, every audition is usually 1-2 hours away. Which means time off work, gas, travel $, etc. What's more, the return on financial investment has been low so far.  I know travel, gas and such will be an issue there, too. But it shouldn't cost me a day's pay, plus some. Yet another reason there works far better for me than here.

Today's horoscope is interesting, in that it's hard not to apply it to this moving dilemma and it makes me second guess everything I want- like maybe Cainer and these local friends and family can foresee the future and they know I'm going to miss out on a helluva an opportunity, like Speilberg casting straight out of an unknown talent pool in Richmond:
Aries, Monday, 17 January 2011
Daily, YesterdayWeeklyMonthlyYear Ahead Video

People often ask astrologers, 'Will I get what I want?' Astrologers usually have to reply by asking, 'Do you know what you want?' Often, people don't. They THINK they do - but, if astrology is about anything, it is about looking forward in time. One thing we all know about time is that as it passes it changes, dramatically, our expectations and our desires. What you want now is what will make you happiest in the long run. You're getting that. Don't reject it just because it isn't quite what you want in the short term. 

So what the hell do I do with this?

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