Friday, January 7, 2011


ARIES Thursday, January 6, 2011

Popularity doesn't automatically equate to wealth or success. Whilst it is easier to get help if people like you, this won't make everything go your way. And being popular is only enjoyable if it attracts the right kind of admirers. You don't want to draw a whole bunch of dull people into your life. There. Have I managed to talk you out of the idea now? Have we discussed enough of the drawbacks and downsides? The fact is: you are now exuding a kind of magnetic charisma. It is not the answer to everything - but it is still pretty good. 

huh. Well, here's my personal debate going on right now: Do I stay here in VA for a while longer? Do I move back to Chicago or do I make the move to LA? In all three locations, I wouldn't say there are anymore or less dull people- I mean, who am I to judge? But I am looking for projects that are different than what I've seen here. So, I think Cainer's horoscope feels quite relevant today, and and I like that he's pushing me to look elsewhere. And really, I won't be happy unless I do. 

Moreso, I know with enough work and effort, I could make myself a big fish in a small pond. I'm loud. I take over. I make a scene. But I don't want to do that. Worse, I don't see a way to make a living doing that here in VA. Granted, I may not in a larger market, either, but my chances of achieving it increase exponentially. I'd rather just work as an actor/ creative and have the opportunity to work a lot. 

Ok- so expert consulted, and apparently, my large inner conflict can be reduced down to one question. That's.... tidy. Now, where do I go, to Chicago or LA?

Cainer +1 

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