Saturday, January 8, 2011

Being decisive.

Aries. January 7, 2011

If you don't like a situation, why don't you do something about it? By this, I don't mean register a protest or lodge a complaint, I mean, what's to stop you taking concerted action, formulating a positive plan and then seeing it through to fruition? Don't persuade yourself that there is a limit to your power or decide that there is no point in even trying. If you can find a little faith in yourself this weekend, you will discover that you can change much more than, once, you might have thought possible. It is just a question of being decisive. 

HA! Ok. Cainer +1, again! Yesterday seemed to revolve around just this: being decisive. Over the last few months, I've had a tendency to blame my inhibitions on the pets, on feeling guilt over moving away from my parents, on Bruce, on the weather, on the job market, etc. etc. And then, when I talked with my parents last night, and they logged each one of these issues as reasons why I shouldn't move- I fought back. I had a retort for each- as if they somehow represented all my fears and I was the fear slayer. (and maybe they do, but we'll leave that psychobabble for another day.) 

I decided to dedicate this weekend to investigation. And by the end of the night I felt like I decided to buy back a few months in a sublet locally, to allow myself time to plan, act, take a trip and pack up. These decisions felt good. 

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