Saturday, February 5, 2011

Aries, Friday, 4 February 2011: We've talked, this week, about yoghurt and telephones. Today, let's discuss handshakes. Remember the complicated one which slid down to a finger grip followed by a strange twisting of the thumbs? Or the 'hi- five' that once was strictly for American teenagers, and which recently, I watched pensioners exchange? If you work in a medical facility, where hygiene is a priority, handshakes are frowned on. Watch, this weekend, for the possibility of causing offence without intention. Be forgiving... and the favour may be returned!

Always good advice, Cainer, but does a simple piece of advice like this really make a horoscope. And what, pray tell, is in the planetary alignment that allows you to see me causing offense this weekend? Do you see the future? Or just a planetary mix that lets you know I'm agitated and less likely to edit?

I have a big weekend ahead.. And none if it contains time to plan for a move or a trip to LA. I've managed to overbook myself. I have lots of time with Emily- great! And luckily, the weather got me out of the walking workshop so I didn't have to clarify that (I never committed, but still)- great! But I still have a hair apt today, an audition today (for which I'm not really prepared), shopping with em. And tomorrow, I have to finish memorizing the other student film, practice swimming with Daniela and birthday dinner with Emily and her family. I'd like to have the donors completely memorized by Sunday evening, so I can run it Monday over and over and over. This is a tall order, as my memory isn't what it used to be. I have to work a wee bit harder these days.

Here's what I feel guilty about: no time with Granny, which I had hoped I would have. I need to call her today. Maybe I can stop in and visit her after I drop off Emily, depending on how long we're out. Although, Granny isn't much for drop-ins. hmmmmmm.......

I wish I didn't have to work such regular hours for so long each week. It eats up the time away from things I'd much rather be doing. I mean, everyone could say that, but I mean other work, other progress. And I never factor in fatigue. Last night, I had thought I would work on the scrip, but after I ran, I was just so tired. I slept wretchedly this week, and it caught up with me quickly and fiercely.

And now, for instance, I need to clean out my head, but I also need to exercise before my hair apointment, and worse, I need to run through my audition atleast 10 times before I walk in there. GAH! This is why I have such a high level of anxiety, isnt it? Time management is difficult for me. I look at the clock, but I fail to see the hand moving until it arrives at its destination.

Shit... look at it tick. I gotta run.

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