Thursday, February 10, 2011


Aries, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 
Out in distant space, are there really planets where intelligent life- forms dwell? Perhaps. But, before we set about trying to prove this, we might be better off tracking down intelligent life on Earth. There is certainly not as much of it as there ought to be. You are now dealing with a silly situation. How has it come about? What lies behind it? What must be done to set it right? For the answers to these and other pressing questions, in your world now, you don't need rocket science, you just need just common sense. 

Aries, Thursday 10 February 2011
If aliens really do visit the Earth, how come so few of us ever meet them? Some say it is because they disguise themselves. But why would our visitors do that? Do they harbour secret, evil designs upon us Earthlings? Or do they, perhaps, just find us a trifle embarrassing? To them, we may seem gauche, gawky, arrogant and ignorant. When they are obliged to come to our world, they would rather not talk to us. You feel now as if you have come from a different planet, to a certain someone else. Try to humour them if you can. 


I'v been thinking about approaching this in a different way. Instead of looking at yesterday's horoscope, looking at today's. I had thought proving it right or wrong would be an excellent focus, a sort of cosmic gauge for my own actions and thoughts vs. what the universe may be telling me. And I still think of it in that way, I just really don't feel like proving it right or wrong. I mean, most of the time, I'm just rambling on to clear my head from the morning dust anyway. What's more, I feel like I'm challenging the stars to provide for me, and I don't want to do that. I would rather just use it as a jumping off point and move on- a metaphor for how I've long approached reading horoscopes. Sure, sometimes a sentence or two will sit with me for a while, but rarely do I remember my horoscope as I'm working or running or walking the dogs. 

So, let's play catch up. Yesterday's horoscope and today's are quite similar, so it seems like a good time to do so. 

Since Mom and Dad approached the idea of a sublet, I've jumped in full throttle. Only, there are just a wee few sublets at which to look. One is $600 per month, has lots of amenities, amazing security, but no windows and I would have to walk my dogs in a pretty industrial (i.e. scary @ night) part of town. The other is $715, has windows and a wee back balcony, but is on the 3rd floor (making moving hard) and doesn't have the luxuries of the first. It feels like an old boarding house converted to apartments. In both cases, I have to walk my dogs down a long hallway, potentially past other people and other dogs to get to the front door. Not ideal, since these guys are still learning to watch me (meaning, they don't yet). 

I ran the two options past my mom last night and she got really dramatic. She doesn't consider either an option, but bemoaned the close quarters of her own home and having too many animals in one space. She started asking me again about giving them up. I said it wasn't an option at this point: I love them and I don't know of a good enough situation and person that I trust enough to give my animals. She kept talking about my heavy burden, what a heavy burden they are, etc. etc. And how I shouldn't walk them at night, etc. etc. And how unsafe my neighborhood is, etc. etc. And how I'll never be able to do anything with this kind of burden, etc. etc. 

And it pissed me off. 

So, I lashed back at her, and boom- we were back to teenage/ college years relationship. Wherein, she continually bemoans my choices, I take it until I lash back, and then she turns it back on me to with something akin to: "Well, I'm sorry to frustrate you, but I was just trying to express my sympathy for your plight." or "I wasn't saying what you think I was, I was just trying to help you." 

Yes, sometimes she is an alien to me. And I'm sure vice versa. But if ever there was an indicator why I shouldn't move in with her, it was in that phone conversation. 

Honestly, I wish I could just go. I wish I could just pick up and go to LA right now. Unfortunately, I need to save a few more $$ and I need to do the whole car switch, and give work proper notice. And I'm just not ready yet. There I said it. I'm just not ready yet. I need a few more months. To gather, to assemble, to plan and plot and visit. To make sure that spousal support is coming. It's the responsible thing to do. 

I have one more option potentially on the table. But it's being guarded by a woman who doesn't communicate effectively over email. And hasn't yet provided her phone # or address. Sort of frustrating. Fingers crossed she does so today. Otherwise it's the old boarding house, and learning how to listen and sneak past other doors with two dogs. 

Should be a good learning experience, right? 

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